RED LIGHT therapy
Red light therapy is a revolutionary treatment that harnesses the power of red, low-light wavelengths to penetrate the skin and naturally stimulate tissue recovery and rejuvenation. This cutting-edge therapy enhances blood flow, boosts collagen production, and offers a multitude of benefits. It's proven effective for a wide range of applications, including anti-aging, hair loss prevention and regrowth, treating skin conditions, wound care, pain relief, and much more. Best of all, red light therapy is 100% natural, completely safe, and free of side effects. Experience the transformative effects for yourself – and yes, it really works!
overall benefits:
15 Minute Treatment Time
100% Natural
Drug Free
Chemical Free
Non-Invasive (no needles or knives)
Non-Ablative (does not damage the skin)
Painless (does not itch, burn or sting)
Requires Zero Downtime
Safe For All Skin Types
Safe For All Ages
No Adverse Short or Long Term Side Effects
FDA Approved
​1 TREATMENT - $22
10 TREATMENTS - $154
20 TREATMENTS - $220
Session packs expire after 365 days.
Unlimited Red Light Treatments
2 Free UV Tans Monthly
30% Off Product Purchases
50% Off Single Service Purchases
$5 In Bonus Bucks Every Month
​10% Off Boutique Purchases
Benefits For Your Skin​​
Red light therapy creates a healthy glow about your face
Smooths overall skin tone
Builds collagen, reducing wrinkles, including crow’s feet, under eye wrinkles, forehead wrinkles & laugh lines
Speeds the healing of blemishes, like acne and rosacea
Repairs sun damage
Reduces redness, flushing, and broken capillaries
Fades scars and stretch marks
Brings more moisture to your skin
Prevents hair loss & stimulates regrowth
Treats a growing list of skin conditions
Use These Benefits For:
Burns (minor)
Collagen Production
Cuts & Scrapes
Dry Skin
First Aid
Hair Loss
​Marks from Acne
Stretch Marks
Sun Damage
Wound Care
Uneven Skintone
Tattoos,Speed Healing Time by 50%
Benefits For Pain,
Injuries & Wounds​
Speeds the healing of wounds & injuries to the body
Speeds wound healing in even non-healing wounds
Improves or restores range of motion
Reduces inflammation & pain
Use These Benefits For:
Back Pain
Bone Breaks
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Foot Pain (Plantar fasciitis)
Knee Pain
Lower Back Pain
Neck Pain​
Non-Healing Wounds
Post Surgical Procedures
Shoulder Pain
Surgical Wounds
Torn Ligaments, etc
IS TANNING SAFE?Light is essential to all life on earth, and without light we could not survive. Tanning is natural. It is your skin's natural defense against burning. For example, eating is natural, but if you eat too much and eat the wrong things it is not good for you. The same can be said for tanning. If you burn while tanning, do not tan in moderation, or do not wear SPF protection when outdoors, you are not tanning smart. Bramasole Tanning Salon promotes smart tanning by educating our clients to tan in moderation, to take care of their skin using high quality products, and to never, ever burn!
HOW DOES MY SKIN TAN?When the skin is exposed to Ultraviolet (UV) rays, a natural process begins to take place. There are special cells in your epidermis, which is the outermost layer of your skin, called melanocytes. When exposed to the UVB (shorter) ray, these melanocytes produce melanin, which is the pigment that is then absorbed by the surrounding skin cells. When melanin is exposed the UVA (longer) ray, the melanin then oxidizes, or darkens, creating a "tan".
WHY SHOULD I USE TANNNG PRODUCTS?We at Bramasole are committed to the overall well-being of our clients and their skin. By wearing an accelerator while tanning, you are doing two things: you are helping to prevent the possibility of drying out your skin, and you are allowing more UV light to penetrate your skin more quickly. Dry skin is not healthy skin, and by keeping your skin in optimum condition, you will tan darker, faster, and stay tan longer! Also, when tanning, dry skin reflects light, not allowing for the UV rays to be absorbed as quickly as when using an accelerator.
WHY DOES MY TAN FADE?Since a tan occurs in the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin, it is eventually lost during your skin's natural exfoliation process. Every 28-30 days, your skin completely replaces all of its cells, and the cells at the top layer are eventually sloughed off, allowing the new cells to reach the skin's surface. When we tan it speeds up that process to 7 - 10 days. When the old cells are exfoliated, they take with them the darkened melanin that was created by the exposure to UV light. In order to maintain your tan, you must continue to expose your skin to UV light.
DO I HAVE TO WEAR EYE PROTECTION?We require all tanners to wear FDA approved eyewear while tanning. The skin around your eyes is the thinnest skin on your body, and UV light can easily penetrate that skin to reach your eyes. Repeated, unprotected exposure to UV light may cause long-term damage to your eyes, and that is why we require all tanners to wear eyewear every time they tan! Because of our extreme caution we also provide all of our tanners with the proper eyewear to keep them protected.
CAN I WEAR MY CONTACTS WHILE TANNING?As long as you are wearing your FDA approved eyewear, there is no reason why you cannot wear your contact lenses while tanning.
CAN I TAN IF I AM EXPECTING?While there is not current scientific evidence that expectant mothers cannot tan, this is something that needs to be discussed with your physician beforehand. There are some researchers that believe that the increased production of vitamin D that is produced by exposure to UVB may be beneficial to both the mother and the fetus. But you must also consider the possibility of increased body temperature, which does occur when tanning indoors, just as it does when taking a bath or using a Jacuzzi. Please make sure to discuss this thoroughly with your doctor prior to tanning, because for liability reasons, we will only allow a pregnant woman to tan with written permission from her doctor.